Researchers сommunity

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

Henry Ford
Research Community

Too often as researchers we exist within our own disciplines and institutes, each in our own silos, disconnected from each other. The CORE Researcher Network provides opportunities for those working with CORE data to engage and collaborate with others from within and across disciplines. Connecting disparate researchers and research teams to mutually beneficial ends is a key tenet in creating this network. By fostering these connections we can work together to better understand the nature of our own, and other, domains.

Why join

Research using CORE dataset and API

Access to the latest version of the CORE dataset and enhanced access to the CORE API V3.0

Share and Learn
Share and learn

Opportunities to share your experiences and learn from other like-minded researchers within the network.

Collaboration and joint funding opportunities

Develop new partnerships and joint funding opportunities with other researchers.