Research outputs by CORE

CORE vision and mission

P. Knoth and Z. Zdrahal. (2012). CORE: three access levels to underpin open access. D-Lib Magazine, 18 (11/12)

Sets the vision for creating the CORE service, developing global-wide content aggregation of all open access research literature (on top of OAI-PMH protocol for metadata harvesting and other protocols). It sets the mission to develop the three access levels (access at the granularity of papers; analytical access; access to raw data) via CORE.

CORE aggregation approaches and infrastructure

This paper describes the two principles that should be followed to ensure that content can be properly harvested from repositories. This paper could be of great interest to repository managers.

P. Knoth and Z. Zdrahal. (2013). CORE: aggregation use cases for open access. In 2nd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2013)

This paper describes the use cases that must be supported by open access aggregators, it establishes the CORE use case and demonstrates the benefits of open access content aggregators.

P. Knoth and N. Pontika. (2016). Aggregating Research Papers from Publishers? Systems to Support Text and Data Mining: Deliberate Lack of Interoperability or Not?. In R. Eckart de Castilho, S. Ananiadou, T. Margoni, W. Peters and S. Piperidis (Eds.) INTEROP2016

This paper describes the technical challenges relating to machine interfaces, the interoperability issues on obtaining open access content and the complications of achieving a harmonisation across repositories’ and publishers’ systems.

P. Knoth and Z. Zdrahal. (2011). CORE: connecting repositories in the open access domain. In CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI7)

P. Knoth, V. Robotka and Z. Zdrahal. (2011). Connecting repositories in the open access domain using text mining and semantic data. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries

This paper describes the CORE system in its early stages with a focus on the original idea of the CORE recommender.

CORE Recommender

P. Knoth, L. Anastasiou, A. Charalampous, M. Cancellieri, S. Pearce, N. Pontika and V. Bayer. (2017). Towards effective research recommender systems for repositories. In Open Repositories 2017

In this paper, we argue why and how the integration of recommender systems for research can enhance the functionality and user experience in repositories.

P. Knoth, J. Novotny and Z. Zdrahal. (2010). Automatic generation of inter-passage links based on semantic similarity. In Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010)

This paper describes the algorithm that was used in the original version of the CORE recommender.

CORE repositories dashboard

N. Pontika, P. Knoth, M. Cancellieri and S. Pearce. (2016). Developing Infrastructure to Support Closer Collaboration of Aggregators with Open Repositories. LIBER Quarterly, 25 (4)

This paper presents the CORE Repositories Dashboard, a tool designed primarily for repository managers. It describes how the Dashboard improves the quality of the harvested papers, advances the collaboration between the repository managers and CORE, enables a straightforward management of their collections and enhances the transparency of the harvested content.

CORE and download statistics

This poster presents the integration of the IRUS-UK service with the CORE Repositories Dashboard tool, which enables repository managers access reliable download statistics of the full-text papers harvested by CORE.

P. Knoth, L. Anastasiou and S. Pearce. (2014). My repository is being aggregated: a blessing or a curse?. In Open Repositories 2014 (OR2014)

This paper describes the collaboration between aggregators and repositories in terms of sharing download usage statistics.

Supporting research assessment and evaluation

D. Pride and P. Knoth. (2020). An Authoritative Approach to Citation Classification. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020

The paper introduces the new multi-disciplinary ACT dataset, which is currently the largest of its kind, annotated by the authors themselves.

D. Pride, P. Knoth and J. Harag. (2019). ACT: An Annotation Platform for Citation Typing at Scale. In 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)

This paper describes the online tool for annotating citations in a research paper based on their purpose. Citations are also annotated based on how influential it is for research assessment.

S. N. Kunnath, D. Pride, B. Gyawali and P. Knoth. (2019). Overview of the 2020 WOSP 3C Citation Context Classification Task. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications

The overview paper highlights findings from the first edition of the 3C Citation Context Classification task, organised as part of the workshop, WOSP 2020.

Find more our research outputs at Big Scientific Data and Text Analytics group website.